CEO Leadership on Workforce Challenges

Business Roundtable CEOs are working together to expand apprenticeships to help address their workforce needs and expand career pathways for more Americans. Apprenticeships provide opportunities for motivated, high-potential individuals to gain the required training and professional skills for successful careers. Apprenticeship programs also can help experienced workers pursuing a career change or re-entering the workforce gain new skills through paid, on-the-job training. In turn, companies that offer apprenticeship programs can benefit from tapping new sources of talent for roles that might normally require a specific degree or professional experience.

Bolstering Regional Apprenticeship Networks

Business Roundtable is supporting regional apprenticeship networks in several regions across the United States. These networks help member companies partner with local community colleges to create or enhance apprenticeship programs focused on hiring models and skills development.

Around 20 Business Roundtable members are involved in one or more of the regional apprenticeship networks. 
